What is the Religious Liberty League?
eligious Liberty League is a California nonprofit corporation with federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. It is the first truly independent (of the church) Scientology civil rights organization. Founded by Merrell Vannier, the Religious Liberty League defends the religion of Scientology and rights of Scientologists to freely practice the religion without defamation or discrimination.
The Religious Liberty League is an outgrowth of the website, SaveScientology.com, which was created to inform Scientologists of the betrayal of LRH Intent for the governance of Scientology after his departure by David Miscavige who usurped the multiple checks and balances created by L. Ron Hubbard and turned Scientology into a dictatorship. See Existing Scene, on which web page is featured LRH’s view toward one-man rule:
“The campaign to force a dictatorship into a group which has freedom as its main objective is about as popular with me as a fire in a powder factory.”
Is the Religious Liberty League necessary?
bsolutely! Just venture onto the internet or open a newspaper or watch television. Never has Scientology’s reputation and image – and that of L. Ron Hubbard – been so low.
Yet the church today, which is really the alter ego of David Miscavige, having been hijacked by him, is powerless to effectively defend Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard: it is too busy trying and failing to defend the repute and empire of David Miscavige from allegations of inhumane treatment, corruption and criminality leveled against him by dozens of former high-ranking executives.
Prior to the creation of SaveScientology.com, long-time Scientologist lawyers wrote letters to David Miscavige, church attorneys, and the special directors of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST). CST, under LRH’s corporate structure, has oversight of Miscavige and Religious Technology Center (RTC) and the power to eliminate both. The letters urged the recipients to conduct internal investigations into the chargers independent of Miscavige rather than attacking the whistleblowers. Our pleas were ignored. The situation only worsened. Now members are being declared even for reading the allegations of former members, triggering other members to disconnect from them, even if they are family. And so it goes, like dominoes falling against another. Thus creating an indelible image that is a diametrically opposed to the aims of Scientology.