Today, Articles of Incorporation were filed with the California Secretary of State for First Independent Church of Scientology (FICS), a nonprofit religious corporation.
The name says it all. The first of its kind, and wholly independent of the church Miscavige hijacked and then used to alter, degrade and reverse both the technology and the aims of Scientology.
Establishment – This is Your Church
Now that FICS is incorporated, it will need to be established. This phase will take as long as it takes. A lot depends on the amount of participation and support it receives.
While Jim Fonda is the incorporator of FICS, and we have assisted him, this church belongs to those who build and support it.
Based on the outpouring of support and positive feedback we received in response to the article announcing the plan for FCIS, this new church is greatly and enthusiastically welcomed.
Its success, like the time it takes to make FICS fully operational, will be influenced by the number and quality of persons who step up and take responsibility for it. We invite not only your support but your active participation.
Please notify us if you are interested in lending a hand, and in what capacity and to what extent.
Membership Powers
Bylaws are presently being written. They will be reviewed and, no doubt, revised more than once before being adopted. The intention is to establish checks and balances, and to include measures that will reduce, if not entirely eliminate, the recurrence of a power hungry leader who takes over and turns it into a personally run control mechanism.
One remedy appears likely: that members of FICS will be granted legal standing to enforce the corporate articles and bylaws and the provisions of the California Nonprofit Religious Corporation Code. Had that measure been in place for the church’s governing corporations, its members could have forced the implementation of checks and balances years ago.
Questions for consideration are: 1) should these powers be granted to any member? or 2) should they only be given to a class of members, and, if so, how should that class be defined? Examples: Class IV interned auditors; contracted staff members; and/or those members who have completed at least a 2½ year contract in an FICS mission, church, or advanced organization.
We welcome your input. Like? Dislike? If like, how should the class be defined?
Tentatively, it appears likely that a Technical Watchdog Committee (tech WDC) comprised of highly trained auditors with proven statistics will oversee the tech lines, perhaps even having the power to appoint and remove (for cause only) the Senior C/S and heads of the Technical and Qualifications divisions. This is intended to address one of the major causes of the church’s technical failures: Miscavige, who was unqualified to do so, took control of technical lines and, naturally, made a fine mess of them.
How do you feel about a tech WDC being used for this purpose? What should be the qualifications of members on the Technical WDC? Who would you nominate for this position? Any volunteers? We are inclined to require a training level of Class VIII.
Trademark of the Word “Scientology”
One of the unknown variables that could prolong the period of establishment is whether the church will seek to enjoin FICS’s use of the word “Scientology,” and if they do, how a court will rule on its request for an injunction.
We will say this: if the church attempts to block the use of the word “Scientology,” we will cross claim to cancel their trademark for being generic. Examples of lost marks are the words: Escalator, Kleenex, and Band-Aid.
Additionally, the reasons the church was able to obtain a trademark in the first place was due to a lack of opposition and the failure of the Patent and Trademark Office to uncover the evidence we possess; viz., that the word Scientology pre-existed LRH’s research into the subject.[1]
We will take one step at a time.
Today’s filing of the articles of incorporation is a giant stride forward.
* * * UPDATE * * *
The articles of incorporation were accepted by the California Secretary of State on March 7, 2016. To see a copy of the endorsed articles, click here.
[1] See, e.g., The Primary Synopsis of Universology and Alwato, by Stephen Pearl Andrews (1871), p.34, where Scientology is defined in a similar subject.
Wonderful idea, now becoming a reality. You have my support!
This is amazing news! Very Well Done!
Can’t wait to get this in Michigan!
Start! Maybe by the time you have something set up FICS will be ready to license it. At least think in that direction. Not too early to dream and plan. Mission, Org, Advanced Org, field group. Go for it!
I can see it already: First Independent Church of Scientology of Michigan. Nice mock-up, Anonymous. I would love to see FICS missions and orgs pop up all over the place!
I agree.
VWD guys!
One of my recommendations would be to become familiar with and apply the Policies and REDs relating to Advisory Councils or Ad Councils.
Another one would be to totally eliminate this top down management structure that was created by the Junta that took over the Church in the early ’80’s and basically allowed for the virtual dictatorship we presently see in the Church and resort to horizontal fast flow management. Again as covered in the OEC vols.
The Sea Org was originally designated to only handle AOs and FOLOs while WW handled the rest of the Scientology network. It was actually quite a workable system which was totally by passed in the mid to late ’70’s due to various “emergencies” created during that time by Dave’s “mutual” “friends” in the Government leading to the systematic and gradual destruction of the technology.
First by eliminating the original OT Levels and then by altering the lower levels as well to make the tech seem “unworkable”.
My personal speculation is the only reason they allow Miscavige to continue his dictatorship is that he has so far not reintroduced these levels that were removed by Mayo before departing the Organization.
Another thing that the coup or junta achieved was to eliminate the GO which was the only check against power hungry morons in the Sea Org who wanted full control over the entire organizational structure.
That said I’d say that we should revert to the Scientology Org Board as given in the OECs and eliminate such posts that are not covered in policy like CMO for example.
Finally if the Church gives us any grief about using Scientology. We could use the old Church of American Science which Ron incorporated in the early 50’s as covered in the following Newsletter written March 10th 1954:
The big news in Scientology is our alliance with various fields of psycho-therapy and the use of Scientology in widely different fields. For instance, in California we are most acceptable as a religion. Under Dr. Farber, the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY has been duly incorporated in California and will act as a coordinating unit for many congregations.
Dr. Farber contracted with the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE (the mother church) on a tithe of twenty percent to the mother church from the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of California and is empowered to issue ordinations and other necessary papers by the State of California and by the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE. All such ordinations are basically those of the mother church. In order to organize a CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY in your area it is only necessary to apply to the HAS for forwarding to the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE and a full set of photostats of the various articles, by-laws, contracts and charters of filing will be forwarded to you.
Additional alliance has been made with a corporation, THE FREUDIAN FOUNDATION OF AMERICA to train and certify psycho-analysts and psychotherapists (the latter being the junior grade).
The predominant communication line of the society at this time is psychoanalysis. Freud’s books are very well known. By arrangements made in Europe and otherwise it is possible to issue certification as Freudian analysts. In that Freud, as a pioneer, introduced the basic idea that illness can stem from mental causes, and in that his work is well known, it is not unseemly to carry out his aims and goals. As he prescribed no exact process and as Scientology on its lowest rung solves Freudian problems never before solved, Scientology is of course desirable in this field. Further, Freud’s work holds out hope which does not materialize and so tends to dead end those seeking help in mental problems. To remove this road block by applying what is now known would seem to be a social contribution.
All auditors graduating from the Advanced Clinical Course, grading high enough to properly represent their subject, can be given any one of three or all the following certificates: DOCTOR OF SCIENTOLOGY, FREUDIAN PSYCHO-ANALYST, DOCTOR OF DIVINITY. Naturally, previous background and general fitness are consulted in this matter.
They can’t stop us from using the name *American Science* since it has never been registered by the Church and it allows us to use Scientology as part of our religious practice.
Just a thought.
Anyway hopefully we don’t have to resort to that and that the FICS will stand up to any challenge they can throw at us.
We are quite confident that we will be able to use the name First Independent Church of Scientology, but thanks for the reference.
Thanks for your continued support and input.
” 1) should these powers be granted to any member? ” Definitely not!
“2) should they only be given to a class of members?” LRH describes the make/break point of sanity as the ability to help. Successful auditors with a proven track record are a sure fire thing, that would be my leaning. Also admin people, but not those guys who get the stats up by any means only for the area to crash due to false stats not long after. Then, the members should be continuing their 2.5 hr daily study or enhancement. (From my understanding LRH had this as a requirement for the current boards that Dave dismantled) That way you have got someone who is genuinely interested in the subject and its success!
“How do you feel about a tech WDC being used for this purpose?” Absolutely! There is enough screwy tech around, that this needs to be a must have!!! But please, apply the policy “Hat dont Hit” first.
I think, just follow the policies as LRH put them down. The only reason they have not worked, where they have not worked, is that they were dropped, squirreled or used out of context, ie bad judgement.
Congratulations Jim and Merrill, such a great thing you are doing. Some of us may be a little gun shy initially, but please keep this going!
I say lets get out of the closet and be loud and proud Scientologists, we can now 🙂
Thanks for the feedback, Peter. I agree with your statements on policies and application. Huge “Amen” on hat, don’t hit. Lightness of organization! The vast majority of people sign up to help themselves and others improve conditions in life. Support them. Validate them. Value them. Hat, don’t hit. Enhance them with training and auditing. Very important. Get them up the tone scale as well. They will thrive, then, and so will the organization.
Sign me up. Class VIII C/S, Class IX auditor. Exec trained, 20 year staff veteran. SS IV/V. Etc. Tech WDC good idea. Perhaps a council. Chris.
You’re hired. Tech WDC. One down.
Accepted! 😀
Finally, sanity, I hope. I hope that in this new organisation when a member says, “Show me the LRH reference,” it won’t be called “enemy line”. I hope “command intention” doesn’t get used as an excuse for imposing and enforcing illegal orders and programs. I hope that in this new organisation any lowly member can stand on Source trusting and knowing the whole Church does as well. I hope the people running this new church haven’t got the idea that the tech needs “improving”. I hope this new Church doesn’t throw away any LRH tech or policy just because it’s been misused in the past and is therefor called by some “evil” or “unworkable”. I hope execs in this new Church don’t go around enforcing their own understandings of Source on their staff, telling them which definition of a word applies in a given situation, in order to carry out insane and counter-survival orders and programs, just because they came from on high. I hope this new Church keeps LRH as Source and Founder on the Org Board. I understand there are people involved here who may seem to be “founders” of this new Church, but I believe, upon close examination, it will be found that they are acting on posts somewhere below Founder. For me, the real Church of Scientology is what we took with us into the Field when we left the Impostor’s cabal. Therefor I see the Org Board as having never failed, and the Church as having never fallen. We just did our Doubt Formulas and acted accordingly. As I see it, we, out here in the Field making auditors and Clears and OTs, are the Church. I really hope this new organisation sees it the same way, and doesn’t put some other name up there at the top of the Org Board, or in Dept 21. All this taken into account, I’m extremely happy, almost to tears, at the news today. Well, well, well done, Merrel and friends!
Your hopes are mine, too. Command Intention is found in source material. Period. End of story. Next question.
The people involved in establishing FICS are NOT founders. Jim Fonda is the incorporator, he is acting pursuant to LRH intentions for the advancement of the aims of Scientology. LRH will be on the org board, and his photo and office will be in every org. FICS belongs to all who seek the benefits of Scientology technology and who support and contribute to it.
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Excellent, Very well done! Another step for freedom and a blow to Miscaviage where it hurts. In expansion. Include me in. I am sure I can offer some governance and experience in setting up and managing such an enterprise. You are welcome to take tips from the APIS website such as the constitution, terms of service etc. I would be happy to assist in setting up the structure in such a way as to ensure that no one person can gain control.
Association of Professional Independent Scientologists
Thank you. You’re included.
Great News!
Happy to help with web based technologies, websites, etc.
Very Highly Commended
Merrell Vannier
Jim Fonda
Dani Lemberger
BPI 11 February, 2016
Announcing the establishment of the First Independent Church of Scientology was a major stable win for mankind and a fatal blow to the enemies of Man. Merrell and all members of his team deserve all the validations expressed and more for this miraculous achievement.
Since the theft of our Church, individual Scientologists have thus been bereft of a basic cause point from which to hold their position, to study, to deliver the products of Scientology and also very importantly, to communicate. Scientologists around the world were thus ostracized and splintered from their beloved group. A lie and apparency created was that the enemy had won. Another lie promoted was that LRH and Church of Scientology are or were the enemy. Dani Lemberger is therefor commended for his integrity and his perfect PR handling of the source of these lies, the infamous, devoted critic of Scientology, Tony Ortega.
In a blog post by, Lana as well as per The Way To Happiness by LRH, one should practice tolerance.
Occupied by the enemy, altered and degraded beyond recognition from LRH’s originally created entity, the Church of Scientology today yet remains, in the majority, staffed by our friends, our sons and daughters who may be desperately clinging to a thin thread of hope awaiting rescue from oppression, alter-is and squirrel tech. Since the issue of RJ68 with Church of Scientology, LRH was and remains the cause point today which has brought about higher awareness and higher emotional tone levels in today’s populations of Earth. Also thanks to you the Scientologist, true OTs in today’s world, for the first time ever in all of Man’s history, the end of war on Earth is at hand!
In a recently published news letter, freelance journalist, Benjamin Fulford is reporting on criminals such as, David Rockefeller and George Bush of the suppressive group Ben calls, the “Khazarian mafia”. Ben opens the letter stating; “Clearly the Khazarian mafia is running scared and running out of ammunition.” Ben ends this letter stating; “There can be no doubt about it, the good guys are winning.”
Fact! Scientologists with Scientology are winning!
As aptly demonstrated by Merrell, Jim and Dani as by Standard Tech auditors over all the world, the one and only Source of Scientology, the Commodore of the Sea Organization, author, founder and Man’s best friend ever, L. Ron Hubbard is here with us today, if not in body then surely in spirit, in our hearts and in many other ways, more than ever.
We the Scientologists of Earth salute you and we thank-you, Ron.
Thank you Lou very much. I am proud to be in this group with you, do as best I can to make our dreams a reality.
Well done Merrell for your actions to give us back what was taken from us by cruel chicanery.
Good luck Merrill,
Please contact me directly.
“Questions for consideration are: 1) should these powers be granted to any member? or 2) should they only be given to a class of members, and, if so, how should that class be defined? Examples: Class IV interned auditors; contracted staff members; and/or those members who have completed at least a 2½ year contract in an FICS mission, church, or advanced organization.
“We welcome your input. Like? Dislike? If like, how should the class be defined?”
Merrel, These issues are critical. The optimum solution (Greatest Good with Minimal Destruction) must be answered up to in a very thorough way.
1) Inclusion is ALWAYS the way. The door must be POTENTIALLY open for those who demonstrate the required KRC for participation rights/responsibilities required for such a High Ethic.
We want this scene to be SANE. We want the GOALS to be embraceable by ALL (social personalities).
A true knowledge and command of the Data Series is a necessity for those with a vote to rule. In Policy, LRH discusses, “The First True Democracy” (I’ll find you the exact reference upon you asking).
This is a Noble Postulate which can be achieved with the FICS. Data Series is King.
Miscavige ditched it. And that’s why his version of “Ideal Orgs” is only the indulgence of his fixed ideas (to the tune of roughly some $3,000,000,000 internationally. This is one of his MAJOR fixed ideas that has blown Scientology so far off course. “The single important line” for an Ideal Org is: Results on PCs and well-trained Auditors (who then audit).
THAT Org which produces the highest quantity and highest quality VFPs IS the most Ideal Org. There is no other valid criteria.
And let us NEVER forget: The accent from now to forever – if we are serious about lifting ourselves, our families, our group and our culture – is to TRAIN auditors who know their business and then go out and AUDIT (and make a actual, factual, viable living doing so).
That’s what makes a vibrant, cooperative field.
And then we are on our way for real.
Please give me the reference so I can edit your comment and add it for our audience.
Good points. Thanks for weighing in.
I believe what WW is referring to. Is what I mentioned earlier regarding Ad Councils or Committees which is covered in RED 110 Int issued 7 Nov 66 which is based on HCOPLs Nov 1 & 2 66 which are both in the OEC Vols.
Also you’ll find in RED 104 Int a means of selecting members for the Ad Council as follows:
All staff members
All Orgs
In accordance with HCO Poi Ltrs re Ad Council 1 & 2 Nov 66
on Ad Councils.
REPRESENTATIVE as an additional duty to your staff post,
read HCO Pol Ltrs 1 & 2 Nov on Ad Councils which lists the
posts, and fill out this form.
You will serve in the org where you are already on staff
but may represent a junior org or body with which you are
familiar. You will not be sent to another org.
WW, SH, Continental Exec Divs and Continental and even
Area Orgs require representatives.
Filling out this form gives the Ad Council to which you
aspire a list of nominees. This list will be sent to the
body to be represented so they can elect a representative.
To HCO Sec ____________________________
(Org where you are on staff)
Subject: Ad Council Nominations.
I, Name ______________
Age ____ Sex ____
Current staff position __________
wish to volunteer as a nominee to represent
____________________ or ________________________
(Junior Org or Body) (Alternate Org or Bodies)
on the _________________
(Ad Council name)
I understand my name will become part of a nomination list
to be sent to the represented org or body for an election.
My Case Grade is __________
My Cert, Class is ___________
My experience in Scientology and Orgs is _______
The Area I come from is ______________________
I have knowledge of what I wish to represent because ___
(To HCO Sec: Compile the names into nomination lists to
get representatives from (Area, Continental) orgs and
bodies and send above particulars on candidates with the
names. Add a comment on the candidates’ statistics).
This could probably used to initiate an Ad Council composed of volunteers.
Another thing about Ad Councils is that the Chairman has no vote unless there is a tie.
Seems that Miscavige or whoever advised him turned this policy on its head when he became “COB RTC” and became an “Army of One”. 🙂
This is from HCO Policy 13 Feb. 1965 page 157 OEC Vol. 0
“Scientology gives us our first chance to have a real democracy.
By freeing from the worst aberrations each individual, one then achieves a group which doesn’t react only on bank and which will be, like the individual, basically good.
For the bank was made to keep people who were not bad from going bad. It was a bad mistake.
We prove daily in Scientology that an individual freed of aberrations reacts more decently toward his fellows and that an individual, restimulated, acts worse; we prove that the individual under stress of aberration is unreasonable and an individual freed is bright.
So we can conclude on actual evidence that the first true democracy will emerge when have freed each individual of the more vicious reactive impulses. Such beings can reason, can agree on decent and practical measures and be depended upon to evolve beneficial measures.”
Hey Merrel and Dan, Dan got the reference I was referring to,
“Scientology gives us our first chance to have a real democracy.” (HCOPL 13 Feb 1965 Politics).
Again, a high-ARC/KRC, TR3: Sanity is what the FICS is looking for. A Keen and standard application of the Data Series IS the guarantee for true Ideal Scenes, Sanity, Rationality, etc.
If we want a real democracy, a real proficiency in the Data Series for voting members will assure “Aristocracy” (rule by the best. That, definition, of course, went far astray and became, “rule by the descendants of the rich”, etc.).
High Intelligence, High Dynamic. Data Series knowledge is a key and integral part of that.
Dan, would love to make your acquaintance!
Jim Fonda and Merrell, you are both Highly Commended! The founding of FICS is great news.
We are Scientologists and no one can tell us we are not allowed to call ourselves Scientologists. A group of Israeli Scientologists founded AFSI – The Assoc of Free Scientologists Israel – three years ago and this was not challenged by anyone.
You have my full support and that of thousands round the world. I will be proud to be an active member and will enlist my many friends to join. Maybe Dror Center can become the first mission of FICS in Israel.
Let me know how we can help.
Will do. I will also put in a good word for Dror Center becoming the first FICS mission in Israel, and try to push your application to the top of the pile, maybe becoming the first ever, anywhere. 🙂
Re: The Ideal Org – see LRH ED 102 INT “The ideal Org” (20 May 70), or Data Series 40 (same title, HCO PL 12 Mar 75 II). Ron describes what it is fully in this issue.
Reverend Black,
Have yourself some fun: You will find HCOPL Sanity – Data Series 8 – was issued, exactly, one day prior to LRH ED 102 INT, “The Ideal Org”, on May 19, 1970.
I challenge YOU (or any dedicated Scientologist) to REALLY study Data Series 8 Sanity, and then study LRH ED 102 INT.
It is TOO funny. As LRH says in Data Series 8, “History is full of idiocies – and idiots – with fixed ideas. They cannot observe beyond the idea.”
How sad and humorous at the same time! How utterly “Mission Earth”. “Shorty” could do with a nice long cram on Data Series 8 regarding “Ideal Orgs”! However, it would certainly lead to FDSing, rolled back to O/W pulling – back and forth (for maybe 3,000 hours), before an embarrassing “light of truth” might begin to dawn. False Data comes off in layers. And there must be a LOT of layers to THAT onion!!!
Oh . . . the joke is on Shorty, is it not? And the rest of us too (You can ask Merrell) – I still can’t sit down without a somatic.
You can’t have a comparison without something else to compare it against.
I recently read Jenna Miscavige Hill’s book about her experiences in the old church. It is a very sad book, and I don’t recommend it. The saddest point of all was that this lady was raised in the old church and her own uncle ran the old church — but she never became a Scientologist! And then I cognited that her experiences mirrored her uncle’s. He had tricked and lied his way through auditing and training, too.
Auditing works when the PC actually does the processes. Training works when the student keeps his or her ethics in (per Study tech).
Good luck with the new church.
That pretty much applies to many of the so called “critics” like Jesse Prince for example who actually bragged about the fact that he quickied OT II on ARS.
Just name any “former Scientologist” and you’ll find either gross out tech or in many cases just plain *no auditing*.
In any of these cases the PL Quality of Service in Vol 5 would apply.
I understand the “critics” very well because I also left the old church hating or distrusting Scientology technology. It took me several years to realize how I had been tricked by the old church into accepting bad tech or no tech as the same thing as Scientology technology.
It sounds like a “conspiracy theory,” but it almost seems as though the old church wants people to distrust or hate Scientology technology and L. Ron Hubbard. I had to leave the old church and then go test the technology for myself, independently, before I realized that it did indeed work as described. (Of course, now I’m a “squirrel,” but freedom has its cost.)
You’re not one a dem der KraZy KOrNsPirACy TeRroIsTs are ya Jonathon 😉
Actually I agree with your theory.
No way that a mental midget like Dave could pull off this op on his own without some help from his “mutual” “friends”.
Personally from my point of view the Church gradually became some kind of orchestrated mind f**king operation using Black Dianetics or Reverse Scientology based on some Top Secret Mk Ultra subproject of some kind.
I mean look at the current fad going of getting everyone (who hasn’t run to the exit yet) to do the SPRD of which the promo showing off the chairs specially designed by NASA and special screens makes it look like some kind of R6 Implant station.
Trust me. I did a short stint at NWC and there was no mention of special chairs or moving screens or electronically synthesized perceptics being part of Super Power.
Anyways I’m glad that your here among us and no you are not a squirrel.
They are!
I read Jennas’ book, and also found it sad. The way I read it, Jenna equated auditing as “sec checks”. Man, if there is anything that would persuade me to physically abuse ole Dave if I got the chance, these reports would have to be it.
During my few years in the old church as staff and crew, I only received sec checks with no other auditing worth mentioning. Unlike Jenna and others who used tricks to avoid confronting, I actually enjoyed my sec checks and won from them. I requested more sec checks. My time in the old church began to fizzle out after I was told I couldn’t receive any more sec checks.
Anyhow, sec checks are awesome. I recommend the State of Man Congress and the 1st Melbourne ACC for more data.
Jonathon, I totally agree with you if the Sec Check is done for the pcs case and benefit. I have had major gain out of them also.
I duplicated Jennas book differently to you, she understood auditing to be having sec checks, period. No Grade 0-4, let alone having Ned. I didnt get that she was using tricks to avoid confronting, she was a kid, and should have been consulted on what she wanted too. As soon as one becomes a parent, they have a responsibility to make sure that kid has a good life, as far as Im concerned, and her book should be kept as a manual of how not to bring one up, and it exposes Dave for a pervert, in addition to being a lousy administrator.
If LRH thought we could make it to OT by just getting sec checks, that is how he would have designed the Bridge, they certainly have their place and bring about major wins, but I think they are getting a really bad name because they are and have been abused.
In saying this, I do understand and see the effects on the various blogs of people who obviously have violated their own integrity in their dealings with the church at some point and now have “cognited” how Ron is actually all to blame in some way, and are stuck at the level of victim, and I agree with you, if they could confront their own actions, or inactions, they would experience a great deal of relief, as you and I well know.
I hope that clarifies my previous comment for you!
I’m one who rarely comments online but am excited about what you are doing and believe it’s could be a watershed moment for those who share your goals. I wish you great success and hope contribute at some point.
Very nicely done – I support this plan!
We need & want some one to speak on this, at the Free Zone Convention this year in June.
This year we will have people from all over the USA & Europe & even the old USSR. We are going live on the WEB once again, there are over 2000 people that view us every year. We have been doing FZ Conventions for over 15 years. This is great news for every one. There are Class 6, 8th & 12 that show up to speak. Call me ASAP.
Best Rey R. Robles
Sorry, I’m late to the party here.
Should any member to able to enforce bylaws? No. A legal branch should be able to do this based on traffic from any member. Who those people are is an open question, but I’d suggest they be, at least to some extent, lawyers. I would say that their dedication to “with LRH” Scientology have been demonstrated, perhaps in an ongoing way. The CST membership guidelines are instructive.
Technical WDC. Only highly tech-trained terminals need apply. Anyone else simply isn’t qualified. And as before, perhaps membership should be conditional on CST guidelines (continuing study, etc.) And yes, Class VIIIs at a minimum.
I would strongly suggest a very highly policed SO#1 to the WDC. This line was obviously cut late in LRH’s life, or he might have done something about what was going on. Our SO#1 line should be constructed in such a way that someone reads all inbound traffic and grades it for items which could be situations, which then are CCed to WDC for investigation. I couldn’t care less whether all the traffic gets individual answers. That’s an expensive activity. SO#1 traffic can also be graded for successes in a given area (or failures, indicating the possible need for investigation).
It also should be obvious that, regardless of management structure, we need a Data Files. You can’t do evals (and you’ll need those) without one.