On November 12, 2015, an application for trademark for the name First Independent Church of Scientology was filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
On or about the same date, the name was reserved by the California Secretary of State for use within sixty (60) days as a nonprofit religious corporation, and when the 60-day period expired, the name was reserved for a second 60-day period.
Both filings were initiated by former church member, long-time Scientologist, Jim Fonda.
In our article posted on October 25, 2015, entitled Breaking the Monopoly, we indicated that Religious Liberty League was involved in activities to break the church’s – or, more accurately, David Miscavige’s – monopoly over Scientology. The initial step in our program is to break the church’s trademark for the word Scientology.
We consider it a fundamental right that all persons who desire to practice the religion of Scientology are free to do so – and call it Scientology! A fundamental right is inalienable. It is not granted to one by the state or by an institution or by any mortal person. And therefore, it cannot be abridged by any agency less than God.
That Miscavige thinks he can, by arbitrary dictate and onerous conditions, control who can and who cannot practice the religion of Scientology, demonstrates a tyrannical disregard for basic human rights. Miscavige might very well expect the courts to uphold what the government itself is prohibited from doing under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If so, we are prepared to prove him wrong.
Obviously, we will not publicly reveal the complete plans and strategies. We will report, however, that we expect the articles of incorporation for the First Independent Church of Scientology (FICS) to be filed in February 2016. A period of establishment will follow, including surveys, recruitment, and so on. FICS intends to reach out to the field, grant a general amnesty, restore certification, and license groups and field auditors, thereby giving them religious cloaking and legal protection for their activities, which have lately come under threat through cease and desist letters sent to field practitioners by church attorneys.
Imagine if everyone delivering standard technology outside the church were free to do so without inhibition or fear of legal consequences.
Moreover, FICS is intended to become a central organization, and a foothold, for the technology of Scientology and the Bridge[1] as developed by LRH – not the altered, unpopular Miscavige version – in order to ensure that it is available for this and future generations. It will be administered with a lightness of organization, and be inclusive and tolerant, rather than status-oriented and controlling. The new church will adopt the 1968 Reform Code of Scientology, and thereby recognize the distinction between fair criticism and religious persecution, accepting and internally handling the former, and stomping on the latter. FICS will have no fair game policy and no security checks (except as part of an auditing program in which priest-penitent privileges attach). And it will forever abolish the disconnection policy! The liberal concepts expressed by LRH in the lecture, Attitude & Conduct of Scientology[2], will be applied in full.
FICS is willing to negotiate with the church fair compensation for the use of other trademarks and copyrighted (pre-Miscavige-altered) materials necessary to deliver standard Scientology services and, if an impasse is reached, to submit the issue to independent mediation. If given no reasonable offer or means of mediation, and left with no viable alternative, however, Religious Liberty League will assist FICS to lawfully break those proprietary rights as well.
FICS is willing to enter into negotiations for reconciliation with the church, now or in the future. The proposed guidelines for reconciliation are as follows:
●That corporate checks and balances of the governing corporations, Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) and Church of Scientology International (CSI) be instituted fully, in accordance with bylaws written and/or approved by LRH.
●That each trustee and general director read their respective LRH-approved corporate bylaws; read the California Nonprofit Religious Corporation Code, with particular emphasis on sections 9210(a) & (b) that require: “[t]he activities and affairs of a corporation…be conducted and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the board.”
●That each board of trustees of CST and CSI be provided funds to retain separate legal counsel to advise them on the legal duties with respect to each corporation and in relation to each other.
●That CST boards independently investigate and decide whether to exercise the options granted to CST by LRH in his estate documents, using the guidelines therein, to purchase from RTC, for a mere $100 each, the trademarks and trade secrets of Scientology.
●That CST and/or CSI cause an internal investigation overseen by a reputable, trusted outside agency or law firm into the charges leveled against David Miscavige, including but not limited to the following:
a) alteration of LRH materials; b) alteration of the Bridge; c) gross additives to training requirements and the virtual elimination of new auditors being made; d) arbitraries introduced into the eligibility requirements for the Upper Levels, e.g., frequent and unnecessary – and therefore, harmful – security checks for parishioners auditing on solo NOTs;[3] e) an ARCXen field [4]; f) technical failures; g) refusal to investigate charges of corruption, abuse and inhumane treatment, and instead attacking the accusers, destroying the credibility of the church and lowering its ethics presence in the media dramatically, which allowed the religious hate mongerers and black propagandists to take over and control the narrative on Scientology; h) subverting the ethics and justice codes of Scientology and ushering in an era of oppressive, arbitrary rule and a resultant declining membership base; i) false reports to LRH while he was alive, resulting in the destruction of a viable mission network, and the introduction of the oppressive, publicly-loathed policy of disconnection; and j) creating external influences to Scientology organizations in the form of donation entities, such as the IAS and building funds, which act in direct competition with Scientology organizations for parishioner donations.
●That David Miscavige resign or be removed from post pending the investigation.
●That the findings of the internal investigation be broadly published along with recommendations for measures to be taken to prevent their recurrence.
●If these steps are taken to the satisfaction of FICS, then it will enter into an agreement of reconciliation, which will include, among other things, the requirement that CST and CSI expand their boards of trustees and directors, as permitted in the original bylaws approved by LRH, from three (3) members on each board to seven (7) members. And that FICS be given the power in perpetuity to fill three seats on each board, and that the six members on each board agree upon the seventh member.
This proposal should be viewed as an expression of yet another good faith attempt by Scientologists to discharge their duty to Keep Scientology Working. Too many Scientologists have been disenfranchised and disconnected from their church as a result of the non-application and alteration of Scientology scripture by David Miscavige, as alleged above, which they refused, and still refuse, to support, And now, in order to freely practice their chosen religion, and to further the aims of Scientology, they are forced to form a new church, the name of which will be:
The First Independent Church of Scientology.
[1] The “Bridge” is a chart that lists the various training and auditing levels of Scientology.
[2] 4th London ACC, 3 November 1955.
[3] Solo NOTS is a particular Scientology auditing action.
[4] ARCXen is a Scientology acronym for a break in Affinity, Reality, and Communication, a term which means a person is upset.
Wow. I like this. Right now there is a “Church” which has destroyed its own Field, and an Indie Field without a church. This could go a long way toward fixing the situation.
“Dianetics is not in any way covered by legislation anywhere, for no law can prevent one man sitting down and telling another man his troubles, and if anyone wants a monopoly on Dianetics, be assured that he wants it for reasons which have to do not with Dianetics but with profit.”
Dianetics, Modern Science of Mental Health – L. Ron Hubbard
Go for it! FREEDOM from cultism and dictatorial practices. Medieval controls don’t belong in the 21st century. This seems very exciting. Fight illegal with legal. Smart.
Great news for those of us who have continued to use Scientology in our life to great success.
I to have had many benefits from the bridge but nothing but disgust for the what ever you call it church ,I A S
It pains me somewhat to see it come to this. We have been trained not to splinter or separate out from the church by LRH and that training is hard to buck. But that training was put in place at a time when orgs were on policy, or, at least the purpose and end goal was to get them there. That’s plainly not the case now.
So I applaud this initiative admin, the ethics gradient obviously needs to be cranked up, congratulations!
I hear you, Peter. My first draft of this article included a remark that taking this step would have been unthinkable to us in earlier years. I spent years inside getting hammered for reporting off-policy actions, and took many other lesser gradients afterward, as anyone who has read my book (Arrows in the Dark) knows, losing a daughter and many dear friends in the process.
I applaud this effort to revert back to Standard Tech and Policy organizationally.
Very Well Done guys 🙂
Hear Hear! More power to this effort.
You don’t have to pay compensation for anything, your rights are dictated by L. Ron Hubbard’s original ‘Field Auditor’s Rights’
Aida is speaking about an article written by LRH and published in the Professional Auditors Bulletin on 21 April 1957. Unfortunately, her opinion on the legal impact of the article is incorrect.
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Good luck with this. A religion shouldn’t have copyrighted material. It’s just wrong. Go get ’em.
Absolutely correct: A religion should not have copyrighted material.
Legally published material must be protected, but the use of Scientology must be available to all who want it. Without that, Scientology cannot be a religion or a philosophy in the widest possible sense – in the eyes of the public or in the eyes of the law.
Imagine a priest repeating a section of the bible and having to pay a fee for the use thereof. Imagine a priest taking confession or tending sick or dying people and having to pay a fee. Imagine a priest consoling a bereaved parisioner, or helping a couple through their relationship difficulties, and asking them to see the registrar.
LRH granted that no man have a monopoly on Scientology because that is the exactly how tyrannies arise. He knew how it was because history proved him right.
Scientology works when applied according to the mass of theory and procedure explicitly laid out by LRH. Restrict its use and meddle with its detail and you have rubbish instead – the present CoS, its army of lawyers, and its bank balance.
Very interesting.this is a big step towards safeguarding the tech and field auditors to be able to practice there religion without any Attacks and threats. I will be following this and see how it goes.
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
For the first time in many, many years and thanks largely to you, Merrell, I’m singing my favourite song again. I’m dedicating it to you, Mr. Jim Fonda and all those working on this miracle.
Lets all sing along with, LRH
Make it go right,
That is the way,
Make it go right,
And win the day!
I too have been “disconnected” from children, my daughters, Emily and Susan. Only parents who have raised children in a Scientology environment could fully duplicate the profound impact and effects caused.
So, thank-you or perhaps I should make that a half ack until the official Opening of The First Independent Church of Scientology and things have progressed a bit more. In any case, very, very well done so far as this gives me just one more reason to try to communicate my infinite gratitude to you for “making things go right” for all of us as for all Mankind.
Lou Landry
Hey Lou,
Your enthusiastic post made me think of another LRH lyric from his song, Easy Livin’:
“Easy livin’
Grass and sunshine,
Sparkling water,
Sighing trees.
Birds are playing,
Life is lovely…..
I will find it Some sweet day.”
Perhaps that day he sung about is right around the corner.
This guy is headed for trouble.
Thank goodness! Felt si much relief to know this. I finally have a LRH standard org to go to.
It will be gratifying to have the courts acknowledge my inalienable right to practice my religion as guaranteed in the first amendment of the US Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Thank you for what you are doing, Merrill.
I’m so excited I can’t stand it!!! THIS is the group that I want to be part of!!!
We’ll make it zoom!!! Through Self-Determinism and enlightened personal initiative!
Through the kind of “Word of Mouth” that money can’t buy.
oh great.
u have my full support.
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Great news ! The foundation for this has been evolving for quite some time. Real Scientology is available and practiced every day with the expected results as LRH meant it to be. Hats off to Jim and Merrill for their intelligence and understanding of how to solve a complex problem.
This is very exciting news and I deeply support those who are working to make this Independent Church a reality.
Very early on in life I suffered deeply from the loss of loved ones. It was only with the help of the materials of Scientology that I was able to rebound and build a new life. I want the gifts that LRH provided mankind to survive and be available to all.
Unaltered Scientology, honestly applied with no goal to amass millions will easily succeed!
Great news, guys, just great. VVWD and a half-ack to those of you working on this. You have my full support. Please continue.
And as I said on MS2’s blog: THIS time, we must conduct ourselves as though there is another DM waiting in the wings to scuttle this effort as well. We must be eternally vigilant and mindful of Keeping Scientology Working and Safeguarding Technology.
Wow. Wow. WOW!
This I find extremely interesting. The hope factor is very high on the new idea/church. I’m hoping my family can be reunited through the new church. Thank you Merrell! Go get-em my friend.
Thank you, Merrell and your friends. This is a massive step forward and I applaud you.
None of us wanted an independent church, but such is life that vested interests and crazy people got involved in our affairs.
To his immense credit, LRH right from the start, flung the doors open and let everyone in. He dealt with the problems of Black PR, criticism, double-dealings, vested interests, and straight from the farm SPs. He made no personal profit from Scientology, and did not enjoy a luxury life-style. Instead, he had to endure liars, lapdogs, servile incompetents, know-bests, hangers-on, profiteers, those without qualifications looking for a job, sensation-seekers, hedonists, broken-home weaklings, drunks and drug-addicts, flotsam and jetsam of every kind looking for magic tricks. They all came to LRH for help, not having found it elsewhere.
LRH’s problems were not enough trained auditors, too few who understood ethics, the MU, historically restimulative drugs, PTPs, and all the rest. For sure, there’s a lot to know.
Not only did LRH have to originate, pilot and develop the tech on his own, he had to keep an eye on why it was so difficult to do so. Modern Humanities and the authorities of the mind are convinced that man is a superior type of walking vegetable, with some are more superior than others; and all the while, with an incredible pressure to maintain the status quo,and with bullies who don’t want you to say anything.
If the remedy for social ills was susceptible to logic and reason, then we’d have worked it out 7,000 years ago, if not before. Instead, we have a world as crazy as it’s possible to get. Take a look outside your comfort zone and tell me it isn’t so.
Miscavige, OSA, critics of Scientology, Darwinists, Cynics and the rest, are not able to think outside the box. Their view is that all problems can be solved with platitudes or mechanical means – genetical engineering or more.
We don’t have to go the way of established religion or science: it’s is not a closed loop, either-or. But at least, there is hope that if you strip away all the bullshit, a Clear or an OT might be achieved.
The Clear knows it’s all a pretence. The OT has cause over it.
May the present CoS perish, and may Scientology for the benefit of all, flourish.
Richard Kaminski
Independent Scientologist UK
“You see, there is a thing called Scientology. It has axioms. It has principles. It has the goal of empowering a thetan[1] to overcome his own problems. This standard Scientology we don’t change every day. The uninformed, not knowing that a standard exists see in each new release a new subject. So they say, “Why don’t I experiment on my pcs?” And they experiment with the standard background, not with a further reach of old, tried, principles.
[1] thetan is the spirit, or soul. In Scientology, you don’t have a soul, you are the soul.]
“Without a guiding central organization Scientology would fall into an anarchy of opinions in a week for there are too many who can go through the motions of auditing who do not know their basics. They think a new thing, Scientology, is an experimental thing. It is not. The basics are inflexible and have been for years.
“We know now just exactly what clears people. And we know exactly what a clear is. And we know exactly how to train and process. These are hard won riches. Don’t waste them and your time, too.
“This is the way out! Are some people so fond of the trap they avoid the flaming beacons which show the entrance? Or are they afraid to set Man free?”
– L. RON HUBBARD, (Excerpted from Ability Issue 76, early June 1958 – “Offbeat” Processing)
Thanks for for posting. Very apropos. (I edited it slightly, as you can see, mainly to define the Scientology term “thetan” for our non-Scientology audience.)
One of the unique features to Scientology is its organizational structure, which makes it self-correcting. For example, it has a division devoted to spotting and fixing errors or departures from the standard use of the technology. Every practitioner makes mistakes. Without a Correction division, however, mistakes can go uncorrected and become a pattern or practice. In an independent field, there is no “Corrections” division. There is no central place to report deviations from standard tech, let alone be corrected. What has taken its place is a rumor line for who is standard and who is not, which, among other things, is subject to counterintelligence activities in the form of planted rumors. With a central organization, a report could be sent to its Corrections division, thereby obviating the perceived need to warn others about a particular practitioner.
Training with properly run internships is something else that is missing in the field that a central organization can provide. (We realize that some people have training facilities, mostly makeshift and hidden – we found one tucked away in the hills of Los Angeles, for example, after diligent searching – it has an ultra low profile and, consequently, rarely more than a student or two, which is far from ideal.) Mostly, the training is “read it, drill it, do it,” which not much drilling. This is not viable for the expansion of Scientology.
So true admin and Chris. It is patently clear some form of organization needs to exist, to train auditors and for the auditing of pcs in numbers, which gets us into the use of the Admin tech. I have noticed good tech terminals being targeted in the field, which requires an ethics and justice section for their protection, not to mention the immense number of bogus ethics actions which need repairing.
The denigration of the Admin tech, in my opinion, has been the gradient used to undermine LRH and the other Techs. Of course, none of these Techs will work, if the purpose of freeing the individual as delineated by LRH is not adhered to, and that has been the case in many instances.
By the way admin, I did read your book “Arrows in the Dark”, and I regard it as a must read for those wanting to know how and where the Church fell down, as a form of auditing a 3rd dynamic engram.
Peter, thanks for the shout out to my book, Arrows in the Dark. I edited that sentence of your comment to make it bold. 🙂 Aside to readers who may not know: Admin is the author of Arrows. BTW, okay to address me as Merrell. One of these days I’ll figure out how to change admin to Merrell. Probably simple.
Regarding the denigration of the Admin Tech, I have been planning to write one or more articles on this subject. Major false enemy lines being run against it. Miscavige, by his misapplication and arbitrary use of it is the worst offender. The best answer, rather than articles, of course, is to use it properly in a new central organization and demonstrate how effective it is when correctly applied.
“Peter, thanks for the shout out to my book, Arrows in the Dark. I edited that sentence of your comment to make it bold”
Perfectly ok Merrell, your book deserves it 🙂
All very good points, in fact, excellent points: the rumour line; lack of Qual; even lack of an HCO; lack of files and filing; lack of training facilities (although some are nascent and trying to survive, and I, myself rode over 3500 miles across country to find a standard course room to train in); lack of cramming and correction; and perhaps the biggest outpoint – an unwillingness to be corrected, which goes along with being able to be humble and be aware that one can be better.
Actually the Field is operating as it should according to the following RED:
Dianetic Courses being taught and Dianetic auditing being
used in Franchises shows that Dianetics is popular.
By having Dianetic Auditing going in the field you have the
makings of an org boom if it is handled right.
It is no real concern of ours to try to hold the field
versions Standard. They mess up pcs and students. They
always will. A militant org attitude to keep the field
straight is silly. Let them flub as you are trying to
control something you cannot. You can only do the best you
can by teaching the best you can in the org.
The real org action is to put it out that IN AN ORG WE USE
The whole org message is, If anyone gets roughed up in
field training or processing THE OFFICIAL ORGS EXIST TO
If the org is trying to guarantee their training and
processing in some group or franchise (and it can’t) then
it gets a black eye.
If an org exists to handle the rough cases, then it is the
place to go.
A line to Franchises to the effect that the org will be
happy to handle their rough cases or pcs if they send them
in to the org (at the student or pc’s own expense) will be
received as very welcome news.
An org is not just another Franchise and competitor and
The org is the benign source of the groups and Franchises
and helps them out.
It’s all Standard in the org. If the field auditor needs
help the org gives it by straightening up his individual
students and pcs if they’ll just come in.
The image is that org service is superior because it is.
The Official Org must be more standard than anything
happening in the field or in Franchise.
Again as Ron says:
They mess up pcs and students. They
always will. A militant org attitude to keep the field
straight is silly.
The way I see it is that there is no real Guidance from an actual *Hubbard* Guidance Center nor is there any *Qual* to speak of in any so called Church of “Scientology”.
Never mind anything that with a straight face could be called an “HCO”.
I remember way back when the Church was starting to go off the rails that they were turning all the tough cases over to us Field Auditors and taking only the easy Cadillac cases who “qualified” for Org Services which is totally the opposite of what they were supposed to be doing.
Then at some later point. Probably because they’d managed to screw up even those cases with the Golden Age of Squirreling they illegally canceled all certs and demanded that their Field Auditors turn over any PCs they had and only become “FSMs”.
For instance I knew many cases who were willing to wait the prescribed two years of being off lines so they could get auditing from a reputable field auditor instead of continued to be butchered by some org “auditor”.
That said.
I think an an “unwillingness to be corrected” comes more from not being “corrected” Standardly then it does from not being “humble and be aware that one can be better” in many cases.
Also IMHO if we set up an actual Qual which used the Standard corrective actions and an actual internship. One would probably see Field Auditors flooding in to get their tech in without any hectoring to do so.
Thanks for posting. Good reference. Apropos. I agree with your opinion on this, too. That’s the feedback and feeling I’m getting from field practitioners who want to remain in the field; most still are strongly in favor of a central org and seem to understand the need for it.
Any and every administrative structure, policy, rule, guide that exists in LRH’s policy for Scientology is aligned and subservient to the delivery of the results of the Technology. That delivery is the game. Played right, everybody wins.
We have a wealth of knowledge to apply to gain well trained students and thoroughly audited preclears. That knowledge is the freedom part of a game. The barriers, such as the ones David Miscavige has erected in the present activities of his brand of CofS, have just been delivered an effective blow.
We don’t need his license to survive. Hip, hip, f’in hooray to all those who have put their time and effort into creating this new playing field for the game of Scientology.
This is a great day for me today! There is the First Independent Church of Scientology finally! thank you Merrell! We are all here.
Excellent! Thank you (and all of you) for being here. This effort will not succeed without a lot of support. It’s clear from the tons of feedback – not just here but in emails and phone calls and on social media) that we have sparked a firestorm. Even the haters and disinformation spooks are howling! Methinks we are on to something BIG!
Hi Merrill , it is very conceivable that Scientology can’t stop people from practicing their religion. It is great that you created this group to do that.
What power do you have over D.M. To get him to resign. That seems way out to me. Could you explain yourself? Maybe, I missed something. Thank you.
The section entitled “Reconciliation” was neither a request nor a threat made to obtain those bullet-pointed items. It was simply an offer and a list of conditions required for a reconciliation. If Miscavige doesn’t want that, which is likely given his track record, no problem. Nor did we enter any time limitation. Even Miscavige will die some day. He will not always be the decision-maker for the C of S. Maybe those leaders who follow him will yearn for a reconciliation 20, 50, or 100 years from now. Maybe not. Again, no problem. The postulated FICS, and those who establish and make it a reality, are in total charge of their future.
But then, Miscavige, and/or those allowing him to remain in power, might come to the realization that the church has gone off track and failed in its mission, and has destroyed the repute of not only the church but the technology and its founder as well. Some of the educated ones might know history and recall that, in the 16th century, there was a prior reformation, which was followed by a counter reformation and attempts at reconciliation that failed. Because of that reformation and the failure to successfully counter it or reconcile with those former Monks who had requested reforms, the Roman Catholic Church splintered into a thousand Christian churches.
If the FICS succeeds in its formation and delivery of Standard Tech, and in breaking the church’s monopoly, then others might follow the trail blazed by it, and so on.
Reasonable minds can differ whether having dozens or hundreds or thousands of churches of Scientology is a good or bad thing for the religion of Scientology. But the window to prevent this from happening is closing. No one can rightfully fault free people for insisting upon their rights to practice the religion of their choice. But history might judge Miscavige and those who stood by and did nothing quite harshly for causing and ignoring their plight. Let history record that we did everything within our self-determined power to avoid it, and even then offered reconciliation.
Thank you for explaining. That clarifies what you meant. I love your strong intention to complete Your goals.i wish you the best.
The fact is that Miscavige has illegally assumed mantel of leadership.
The is no policy, directive or even an order of any kind ever written by Ron nor has there been any Board Resolution by either the Board of Directors of the Church of Scientology of California or later by the Church of Scientology International granting him leadership by virtue of the fact that he happens to be Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center.
His claim to being “Department 21” the Office of LRH which one former Sea Org staff says he likes to call himself is ludicrous.
Yet we have been carefully perception managed by the Church’s own propaganda with the assistance of the media and by the Government’s endorsement into believing that he is.
Just because a lie is continually repeated and has even gained broad agreement in many cases by coercion doesn’t make it true.
I totally agree Robin.
Very interesting!
Well said and written, and seems positive and solid.
Wish you success!!!
The forming of an Independent COS gives my family and I some hope that we may someday reunite with my 3 sisters and their families.
Thank you Merrell for all your effort and forethought on this new approach to a long standing problem.
May you and your family be reunited also…….
Your friend,
Merrill, thanks to you and Jim et al for your diligence and TLC in putting this together. This is going to be the anchor point from now on for all Scientologists everywhere. The Independent Church of Scientology will solve the problems that have plagued us all for the last 30 years.
ML Tom
I am in. How can I help?
Craig Robart, Expert E-Meter Services
we need an inde org on the east coast