At long last, the Classification & Gradation Chart has been approved by the Technical Standards Committee (TSC) for the First Independent Church of Scientology (FICofS). To see the full sized pdf, Click here. Feel free to give your thoughts, criticism and praise in the comments below. And now to catch up. Breaking the Church Monopoly The church did not respond to the FICofS request for a license to use Scientolo
We have found a path to victory! And we have taken the first step down that path. But, first, let’s define our terms. We define victory as “the ability to freely practice the religion of Scientology.” Since we must be able to use the materials developed by L. Ron Hubbard in order to practice the religion, the free practice of the religion means to do so without the threat of legal sanctions. By “inc
On November 12, 2015, an application for trademark for the name First Independent Church of Scientology was filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. On or about the same date, the name was reserved by the California Secretary of State for use within sixty (60) days as a nonprofit religious corporation, and when the 60-day period expired, the name was reserved for a second 60-day period. Both filings we